Members Profile

Yosuke Miyata, CEO

Mr. Miyata has worked in Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) for 7 years, and contributed on policy making in several sectors, such as IT/Digitalization, Regional/Local Revitalization, Work-style improvement, Tourism, Social Welfare, Nuclear power, Date utilization, Personal Data Protection.

After that, he worked in Yahoo Japan as a manager of Government Relations team, and proposed several regulation changings regarding the policy for Digitalization, Share Economy.

He contributed on the activity with huge several economic groups in Japan to lobby the importance of IT/Digitalization, and supported directly the foundation of some political groups regarding IT/Digitalization.

In 2018, he founded “K. K. poliflect” and started as CEO. Since then, he has provided service for advising the regulation changing and rule making, especially in digitalization sector.

(Other positions) Director, General Incorporated Association of Public Affairs Japan Director, The group for supporting Digitalization Society 

Satoshi Hashimoto, COO

Mr. Hashimoto has worked in Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, for 12 years, and contributed on policy making in several sectors, such as improvement on productivity of Service Industry, ODA, the amendment of the Act on JBIC, the amendment of the Act on Special Measures for Industrial Revitalization and Innovation, describing The Industrial Structure Vision 2010, the policy for securing Rare Earth/Metals, foundation of Japan-Africa ministerial meeting for Mineral Resources, and went on loan as a director of JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization) in Dubai and Istanbul Office to research on business and security affairs in Middle East. After coming back, served as a deputy director in METI for fourth industrialization policy in Japan to found “Centre for the Forth Industrial Revolution Japan of World Economic Forum”, and contributed on Reuse/Recycle policy of the battery of EV.

After that, worked for 3 years in Sumitomo Corporation as a manager for Ambatovy Nickel Mine to engage Project Management, IR/PR, Government Relations, negotiation of project finance with several International Banks.

In 2021, he joined K. K. poliflect as COO.

(Joint Authors)

”Towards Innovation and Productivity Improvement in Service Industries”(Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry)

"Commentary of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Revitalization of Industry and Innovation in Industrial Activities 〈Ammendment in 2009〉" (Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry)

Hiroshi Kusuhara, Director

Mr. Hiroshi Kusuhara has worked at Cabinet Office of Japan and has engaged in gender equality, consumer affairs and labor policy, planning and coordinating such important national policies. He has experiences that he has worked at Japan Fair Trade Comission and Consumer Affairs Agency, drawing up the grand design of such policies through coordinating with concerning ministries, implementing laws and managing councils as well.

After he left the government, he joined in Rakuten Group, Inc. and has worked for consumer and fintech policy as a manager in Public Policy Office. Also, he has spent his time to promote communications with external parties and contributed to establish Japan Online Marketplace Consortium, a Japanese party of E-commerce industries. Moreover, as a staff member of Japan Association of New Economy, he participated in multiple goverment council and offered some policy proposals, especially releasing 2 statements for diversity policy regarding LGBTQ+.

Furthermore, he launched the public policy department in BASE, Inc., a SAAS company of the EC service and promoted activities for countermeasures against slander, creator protection and acceleration in Creator Economy Association.

Based on those experiences, he has organized many seminars and skull sessions and has a plenty of connections with stakeholders as a result.

Akira Tojo, Manager

Mr. Akira Tojo has worked at Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), engaging in housing and city-planning policy. In detail, he spent his time for inspection of skyscraper safety, barrier-free policy on public transportation, budget planning of housing for the elderly, and amendment of the Act on Housing Safety Net, which makes matching abandoned houses with house-needy people.

In 2019, he took up a post as Manager of City and Housing development Section, Hokuriku Regional Development Bureau, MLIT and contributed to planning compact and vibrant city for Hokuriku region with local government and enterprises through developing a location normalization plan and implementing a grand separation project and a development promotion project for city park.

After that, he was seconded to Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and worked for policy-making of housings and lives of the elderly from the scope of local comprehensive care. Also, he has participated in the amendment of the Long-term Care Insurance Act.

Haruka Masukata, Senior Consultant

Ms. Haruka Masukata is a visiting researcher at CRS (Center for Rule-making Strategy), Tama University. Part-time public officier at an independent administrative agency. Freelance lobbyist. After joining the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), she was in charge of electricity and gas retail liberalization, revision of the Unfair Competition Prevention Law, and Cool Japan policy.

During her tenure as a national public officier, she heard a wide variety of opinions from the public and corporations, and recognized the importance of delivering opinions from the private sector, and moved to a position of supporting policy proposals from the private sector in order to fulfill her own role.

After that, she participated in the launch of the Public Policy Department of a venture company, and at the same time she experienced an internship as a Diet member. She is still active in several companies.

She graduated from Keio University with a B.A. in Law and a J.D. from the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Law and Politics.